Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Familiarity breeds Contempt

Tuesday morning and i reflect on the last two days at the studio. We seem to have two types of band at the moment. Those who have been with us a long time and some that are new to us.  Although this is a generalisation and does not apply to everyone, there is a distinct difference between the two types in how they treat our rooms. we don't pretend that our facilities are God's gift to the music industry, but do offer great value for money. On Sunday night one band complained, quite rightly , about the state the room had been left in by the previous band, also that they were slow and late vacating the room.
On Monday night i barely had to do anything at the end of the evening in the way of tidying up.
Perhaps ALL bands should reflect on the fact that the band following has as much right to expect the room to be "ready" as they did when they arrived, a fact that seems still to be prevalent with the new bands, but has been lost by some of our old regulars.
It's not so much common sense as respect for others, after all, we come to the studio for a good time, not to have it spoilt by some people whose idea of a "good time" excludes basic consideration for others.
Mind you, having said all that, i have been treated, over the last two nights, to some great music coming from all four rooms, which is why it is still an honour to be providing this service.

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